

July 21, 2024

Scottish Tour Update 2

After having to postpone a first appearance here in October 2023, what a lovely night we had at The Three Villages Hall in Arrochar on Saturday night (20/7). A warm and friendly crowd ... they brought their own beer! Within five minutes it felt like home and of course when it feels like that I'm just a little bit more relaxed. Great to make some new friends but also to hook up with some old ones ... so nice to meet up again with my friend and painter Allan Black, check out his work HERE

July 20, 2024

Scottish Tour update 1

The concert in Uig Hall, Dunoon on Friday night (19/7) went down very well with a busy merch table and the vinyl continuing to be popular. Huge thanks to promoter Dinah for booking Steve and thanks to the coupe who let us have their flat for the night after the show ... sorry we didn't meet them and never got their names .. we were just given a key! People can be so kind, nice to know there is still good in the world. Next stop is The Three Villages Hall in Arrochar. This is the gig that was cancelled due to flooding last October ... fingers crossed!

July 16, 2024

Back on the road ... get the merch ready!

In the days of Spotify, streaming and music being accessible everywhere and anytime, it's good to see that people still have a soft spot for the merch table! We continue to shift a fair few CDs and vinyl at 'live' shows with people often saying that they like to have a memento from the gig. There is also the fact that an autographed copy will of course one day be worth millions!

If you can't wait and you want your merch before the gig, then just pop over to the Buy Music page on this website and we will be happy to oblige.

July 14, 2024

Folk & Honey Online listings

You will find a list of Steve's upcoming shows over the next couple of months in the UK's best online folk, acoustic and Americana listings magazine Folk & Honey. They reviewed Steve's album 'Muscle Memory' when it was released late past year too ... we like them ... grass roots music business without too much business, if that makes sense!

July 13, 2024

Durham Miners Gala 2024

It was wonderful to be marching with colleagues from Equity and The Musicians Union at Durham Miners Gala today. I have been an M.U. member for many years and it continues to be a privilege to serve on the Northern Regional Executive. It was a great atmosphere with some amazing street bands and music making despite the rain ... the Gala attracts a broad church but a cautious optimism was in the air ... maybe things will get a little better!

July 11, 2024

THE THREE VILLAGES HALL ... concert on Saturday July 20th

Looking forward to finally getting to play at The Three Villages Hall in Arrochar, Argyll, Scotland. You may remember that this gig should have happened in October 2023 but torrential, and we mean torrential, RAIN stopped play! The whole village of Arrochar was inaccessible and having done a gig the night before further north up in Plockton the diversion to get back home to the north east took ten hours! There are still a few tickets available and all information can be found on the Gigs Page. We look forward to seeing you ... bring an umbrella just in case!


Always more than the sum of its parts - I love to collaborate with other musicians, creatives and artists on all types of creative projects.



Delivering and promoting musically inclusive practise to and for people of all ages. I work in formal and informal environments to ensure life circumstances are not a barrier to participation.